
Story of Halloween! How it all started?

 Halloween is a celebration that is observed on 31 st October, every year. Halloween is less commonly known as All Saint’s Eve, Al Hallow’s Eve or Allhalloween . It began with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. Around 2,000 years ago, the Celts, used to celebrate their new year on 1 st of November. They believed that the night before the new year starts, the boundary between the dead and the alive is blurred, and ghosts of the dead return to the Earth. Thus, on the night before their new year, that is, on the 31 st of October, they celebrated Samhain. The people would light bonfire and dress up in costumes to ward off ghosts. The bonfires were built, where people used to burn animals and crops as their sacrifices to the Celtic gods. Whilst making the sacrifices, the Celts dressed up in costumes, usually comprising of animal skins and heads. The celebration included trick or treating, jack-o-lanterns, eating treats and festive gathering. Lets buy some   Hallo...